Dsmenu trade pokemon
Dsmenu trade pokemon

dsmenu trade pokemon

The nickname of the Beldum traded in Kepler City, Deep Blue, is a reference to a chess computer created by IBM that was able to beat reigning champion Garry Kasparov in a 6-game chess match.

Dsmenu trade pokemon series#

This is likely a typographical error, as the female counterpart of the Camper trainer class is referred to as a Picnicker both in the cores series games and in Pokémon Insurgence.

  • In Roggan Town the player is able to trade for a Larvesta whose OT is Camper ♀ Sally.
  • Otherwise, trading mechanics remain the same.
  • The one exception to this rule is the Cyndaquil traded in Sonata City, which is received at level 5 regardless of what level Druddigon is traded.
  • Pre- Generation V level mechanics are used, where the level of the Pokémon received will always be equal to the level of the Pokémon that is traded away.
  • In the event that the Pokémon received has a primary and a secondary ability, the ability will be randomized between the two it is currently not possible to receive a Pokémon which already has its Hidden Ability.
  • The gender of the Pokémon received is random, excluding cases where the Pokémon species has no gender or is gender-specific.
  • The nature of the Pokémon received is random.
  • dsmenu trade pokemon

  • Pokémon traded to the player have completely randomized IVs this differs from the Generation VI core series games, where Pokémon either had set IVs or a number of set perfect IVs.
  • The ID of the trading NPC is not static, it is randomized every time a trade is made.
  • dsmenu trade pokemon

  • Pokémon traded to the player include the trading NPC's trainer class in addition to their name in the Pokémon's OT field.
  • Non-playable characters (NPCs) in Pokémon Insurgence may provide the player with multiple trading requests, where the player only needs to fulfill one requirement in order to complete the trade. 1List of in-game trades 1.1Generation I 1.1.1Pokémon Red and Green (Japan), Pokémon Red and Blue (Western) 1.1.2Pokémon Blue (Japan) 1.1.3Pokémon Yellow 1.1.
  • Though the trading system itself is mostly the same, there are a few noteworthy exceptions which set the in-game trades in Pokémon Insurgence apart from those found in the core series games: Continuing the trend featured in the core series Pokémon games, Pokémon Insurgence features its very own in-game trades.

    Dsmenu trade pokemon