Rick the walking dead pointing gun
Rick the walking dead pointing gun

Just goes to show you the amazing amount of intricate details that can go into planning, blocking, shooting, and editing a scene. Plus, if he really was aiming at Rick, the director would have had a shot where you visibly see Carl change his aiming direction to Shane when he took the shot. Once he saw Shane start to get up, he drew his gun. This is what Carl was seeing while Rick was walking across his sightline. Now, because Shane was lying on his back, you would assume would have roll over or sit up or something to go from that position to upright. All I could think about was Ron and Sam getting to. I didn’t mind the walker guts all over me no not at all. Pairing: Ron Anderson x Reader Warning: Fluff Rick’s plan better work. There has always been a part of Daryl that has been curious about Ricks fate. Keep pointing the gun at us and youll find out. Rick, at this point, can only assume Carl is pointing the gun in his direction, as he has no idea what is going on behind him. Like what would happen if Ron’s gf were there to talk him out of pointing the gun at Rick. On The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15. But Rick always seems to hold his hand higher than the target and aim the barrel downward. I assume most guns are fired in this way (parallel).

rick the walking dead pointing gun

You then see Carl draw his weapon and at this point, the camera cuts to a shocked Rick. Using an iconic shot of Rick pointing a gun, AMC enhanced the image by doing things such as making Ricks hair longer. Is there any reason why Rick always holds his gun high and aims downward Often times (if not always) when Rick is aiming his gun at someone, youll notice that the barrel is not parallel to the floor.

rick the walking dead pointing gun

Enid also was outside of the walls when the group entered through the gates. You don't see Carl's eyes follow Rick to where he was walking, indicating that he was looking past Rick to where Shane was laying. Carl was led right back to that area though where he met up with his dad Rick and they had to fight off some walkers. If you watch the scene closely, you'll see Carl looking at Rick, then Rick crosses his sightline, walks through it, and then to Carl's left. It was just a ploy introduce some uncertainty into the scene. It was set up to look like it he was aiming at Rick, but it was Shane who was his target.

Rick the walking dead pointing gun